Matching and Scoring Properties


Merge with Staging uses matching and scoring properties to find similar wells, well samples and non-well samples in the Staging area. This page is relevant to version 1 of the software.

If you are using version 2.0 of Metis Transform please consult the updated online user guide.

Version: 1.20 (Nov 2019)

Usage:  Data upload, data merge and de-duplication.

Matching properties:

A well, well sample and non-well sample need at least one matching property to be eligible to be merged with Staging. This is because without any matching properties the possible matches can not be found by Merge with Staging, which if uploaded could result in duplicate data and no existing data being updated via Transform. The matching properties are:



Scoring properties:

Scoring properties are used by the Merge with Staging to rank similar wells or samples. When a matching well or sample is found using the matching properties it is given a score by Metis. The matching wells or samples are then ranked via their respective score with a more similar match scored higher. In addition to the matching properties the scoring properties are:
